Friday, July 20

Shi Shi

pasta binge.
i suck.... a lot

i look at the bones on my hands and the hollows of my wrists
and at night i cling to my hip bones like they're already protruding...
but the truth is im nothing but a sack of fat. and it makes me so upset.
how can i shed weight from places that dont matter?
my ankles, elbows, hands, wrists, collar bones, and even hip bones
loose flesh while my thighs and arms stay plump,
my belly sticking out like a baby bump.

femme, she says... you're not trying.

there can't be food in my cupboard, i'll eat it.
portion control. i have
self control, i lack.
for my new room i shall purchase a cork board
and thinspo the hell out of it.
i will buy a bathroom scale
a jump rope and yoga mat.
i will be thin someday.
no... i wont be thin. i will be, perfect.
content and happy
everything i ever dreamed of.